This lesson is made with PSPX9

But is good with other versions.

© by SvC-Design

Materialen Download :










deco Cloclo.png

deco Cloclo1.png







Watermark_Pour tuto.png



 Effects – plugin - <I.C.NET Software -  Filters Unlimited 2.0  - Penta com  -  ToyCamera

 Effects  -  plugin - <I.C.NET Software -  Filters Unlimited 2.0  -  Paper Textures  -  Canvas,Fine

 Effects  -  plugin -  <I.C.NET Software -  Filters Unlimited 2.0  - VM Toolbox  -  Metal Frame

Effects  - plugin - MuRa's Filter Meister  -  Perspective Tiling 1.1

Effects  - plugin -  Alien Skin Eye Candy 5  -  Glass   

Effects – plugin -  Graphics Plus  - Cross Shadow

 Effects  -  plugin  - AAA Frames  - FOTO FRAME


color palette :



When using other tubes and colors, the mixing mode and / or layer coverage may differ


General Preparations:

First install your filters for your PSP!

Masks: Save to your mask folder in PSP, unless noted otherwise

Texture & Pattern: Save to your Texture Folder in PSP

Selections: Save to your folder Selections in PSP

Open your tubes in PSP


We will start - Have fun!
Remember to save your work on a regular basis


Foreground color 1#dcb684
 Background color 3/#4b2b0f

Open alpha_feuilles_d_automne.pspimage
Window – Duplicate
Minimize the original – we work on the copy
 Rename raster 1

Fill with background color3
Selections  -  Select all
Open misted_paysage_Cloclo.png
 Edit - Copy
 Edit - Paste into selection
 Selection - Select None
Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling  - default

adjust – blur – radial blur

Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling  - default

 Effects – plugin - <I.C.NET Software -  Filters Unlimited 2.0  - Penta com  -  ToyCamera

Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance More

Adjust - blur - gaussian blur
Rang:  30
 Effects  -  plugin - <I.C.NET Software -  Filters Unlimited 2.0  -  Paper Textures  -  Canvas,Fine

Effects - Edge Effects – Enhance

Open deco Cloclo.png
Edit  - copy
 Edit -  paste as a new layer  
Blend Mode: Multiply
Layers – merge – merge down

Layers  -  New raster layer
 Fill with color 1
Open aditas_creations_mask_56.PspMask
Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image -  aditas_creations_mask_56.PspMask

Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance More
 Layers - Merge - Merge Group
Layers  -  Duplicate
 Image - Mirror – mirror  Horizontal
 Image - Mirror - Vertical Mirror
Layers – merge – merge down
Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling  - default
Effects  -  3D effects  -  Drop shadow
 0 / 0 / 80 / 22  -  Color 2
Blend Mode : Overlay
Layers – merge – merge down

Selections - Load / Save - Load selection from Alpha Channel - Cloclo1

Selections – Promote selections to layer
 Effects  -  plugin -  <I.C.NET Software -  Filters Unlimited 2.0  - VM Toolbox  -  Metal Frame

Effects  -  3 D Effects  -  Drop Shadow
 0 / 0 / 80 / 15  -  Color 4
Selection - Select None

Position on bottom layer
 Layers  -  Duplicate
Effects  - plugin - MuRa's Filter Meister  -  Perspective Tiling 1.1

Effects  -  Reflection effects  -  Rotating mirror  -  Default
Effects  -  3 D Effects  -  Drop Shadow
 0 / 0 / 80 / 55  -  Color 4
Activate  top layer
Selections - Load / Save - Load selection from Alpha Channel - Cloclo2

Adjust - blur - gaussian blur
Range : 30
Effects - Texture Effects – Mosiac Antique

Effects  - plugin -  Alien Skin Eye Candy 5  -  Glass   - Preset_Glass_autumn_leaves
 In Basic

Open deco Cloclo1.png
 Edit -  copy
 Edit  - paste in selection
Selection - Select None
Layers  -  Duplicate
Image - Mirror – mirror  Horizontal

Layers – merge – merge down
Layers  -  Duplicate
Activate selection tool (Press K on your keyboard)
And enter the following parameters:
Pos X : 11  – Pos Y :  301
Press M.
Layers – merge – merge down

Open texte_Cloclo.png
 Edit -  copy
 Edit -  paste as a new layer
Activate selection tool (Press K on your keyboard)
And enter the following parameters:
Pos X : 306  – Pos Y : 7
Press M.
Or write your own text using the font provided

Open  misted_paysage_Cloclo.png
 Edit -  copy
 Edit -  paste as new layer
Move up slightly  -  Final view

Open Cloclo2.png
 Edit  - copy
Edit - paste as a new layer
Place at bottom left  -  See final

Open oiseaux_Cloclo.png
 Edit -  copy
 Edit -  paste as new layer
Activate selection tool (Press K on your keyboard)
And enter the following parameters:
Pos X :  19 – Pos Y :  250
Press M.

Open AnaRidzi1364.png
 Edit -  copy
 Paste edits as new layer
Place bottom right  -  Final view
Effects  -  3 D Effects  -  Drop Shadow
 0 / 0 / 50 / 40  -  Color 4

Open  Cloclo3.png
 Edit -  copy
 Edit -  paste as new layer
Place at bottom right  -  Final view
Effects  - 3 D Effects  -  Drop Shadow
 0 / 0 / 50 / 15  -  Color 4

On bottom layer
 Edit -  copy
 Edit -  paste as new image for security
Image - Add Borders – symmetric - 2-pixel  -  Color 1
Image - Add Borders – symmetric - 4-pixel -  Color 2
Image - Add Borders – symmetric - 2-pixel -  Color 1
Selection / Select all
Image - Add Borders – symmetric - 40-pixel color:  Neutral
Selections  -  Invert
 Edit - Paste into selection
Adjust - blur - gaussian blur
Radio:  10
Effects – plugin -  Graphics Plus  - Cross Shadow  -  Default

 Effects  -  plugin  - AAA Frames  - FOTO FRAME

 Effects  - plugin - AAA Frames / FOTO FRAME / Parameters change

Selections  -  Invert
Effects  -  3 D Effects  - Drop Shadow
 0 / 0 / 65 / 35  -  Color 4
Selection - Select None
Image - Add Borders – symmetric - 2-pixel  -  Color 1

Open coins_Cloclo.png
 Edit -  copy
 Edit -  paste as a new layer  -  Do not move
Sign your work  -  Set copyright if paying tube  -  Set my Watermark
Image  -  Resize to 1000 pixels wide
Layer – merge – merge all (flatten)
And save as JPG


Copyright Translation 2023 by SvC-Design